Jovian Wars: Venus Starter Force 2

$85.69 USD $95.21


The Venus Starter Force 2 includes: 1x Jovian Wars Acrylic Turning Template, 1x Gao Tzu Heavy Cruiser, 1x Imperator Patrol Cruiser, and 1x Senator Corvette ships. Plus 7 Exo-Armor, Fighter/Bomber Squads (Ryu, Ryu Anti-Ship, Bonebreaker, Kaminari, and Korikaze Exo-Armors, Brunnhilde Fighter and Reinzi Bomber Squads).

Total value of the Venus Starter Force 2 is $105.79 USD if purchased as individual packs. We have given a 10% discount to this Starter Force making its Suggested Retail Price (SRP) $95.21 USD. 


A free Jovian War - Miniatures Assembly Guide pdf can be downloaded at the following link:

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